10th annual meeting of the GDR Vision

The tenth international forum of the GDR-vision associates the French community working on visual perception. It follows the "GDR vision" days organized each year in Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon or Grenoble. See http://www.gdr-vision.org.

This year, Spanish and Portuguese Vision Scientists are welcome to join the forum.

Keynote speakers

Kevan Martin https://www.ini.uzh.ch/research/36644

Gilles Laurent http://brain.mpg.de/research/laurent-department.html

Rüdiger von der Heydt http://vlab.mb.jhu.edu/


All talks in English, thanks.



Registration was free but mandatory, until October 1st. However, you may still send an email to "@ Contact" for late registration. Please let us know in case you need to cancel.

Coffee breaks and lunches are taken care of, but not dinner on Thursday night, plannned at http://www.chez-navarre.fr/  wine and coffee included: 30 euros. Vegetariens please indicate so in the "registration" shared file, or write to me.

In your presentation, p-values and expressions like "statistically significant" are banned. Please use a correct way to present your results (like by using Confidence Intervals). You may refer to http://cerco.ups-tlse.fr/-Charte-statistique- for guidance.




Please download the detailed program on the left tab (you may want to print it: no printed program will be distributed during the forum).

Thursday November 3rd

9h00 Statistics workshop: Building up Confidence Intervals with R

12h15 Buffet (on site)

13h45 Introduction

14h Gilles Laurent: "Studying vision in non-classical species"

Talks & Posters

18h Wellcome cocktail

20h Social Diner

Friday November 4th

9h00 Kevan Martin: "Organizing Principles of Visual Cortical Circuits and Their Function"

Talks & Posters

12h30 Buffet (on site)

14h Rüdiger von der Heydt: "Neurophysiological Studies on Figure-Ground Organization"

Talks & Business meeting

17h closing



Faculté de Médecine Purpan, Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier, 37 allées Jules Guesde

Amphithéâtre B.




Jean-Michel Hupé, CerCo lab, Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier & CNRS

Online user: 1